Business Efficiency and Cost Take Outs in Telco, IT, Finance and Other industries
What DARSH CONSULTING can provide for you 
  • We are small but dedicated to your needs
  • Engagement model involves support from selected Software Companies from India
  • Backed by a team of leading edge specialist associates and established alliance partners
  • Founded on PROVEN Business Efficiency and Cost Improvement record and Case Studies to back up
  • Expertise built on over 25 years of Techno-commercial background and Business Transformation & IT experience in Telco, IT and Financial sectors accross AP
  • Identified over 70 cost-saving projects - 21 of which succesfully implemented
  • Resultant cost savings in Millions of Dollars  
    • Initial proposal to cut your Telco costs immediately
    • Business Transformation Consultancy
    • Review of current IT and other Business Processes
    • Review of IT Infrastructure
    • Outsourced Vs. in-house analysis
    • Proposal on 'On Demand' provisioning
    • Proposal on Standardisation
    • Rationalisation of Telco costs
    • Data Centre consolidation


    Contact us - today, to learn how you can optimise your business in todays tough economic environment

    PO BOX 437 West Ryde NSW 1685   
    Ph: +61 2 9858 5051