Business Efficiency and Cost Take Outs in Telco, IT, Finance and Other industries

What can DARSH CONSULTING do for your business?

In the current financial environment, there is ongoing pressure on Senior Executives to cut costs without compromising revenue.
While businesses today try to stay focused on their core competancies, there is a constant need to improve business Operational efficiencies in the most cost effective manner.
An outside Consultant with an established track record can accomplish this in a fraction of in-house costs.



How DARSH CONSULTING will cater to your specific business needs.


      Proposed strategy and engagement model 
  • Initial proposal to cut your Telco costs, including Mobiles spend 
  • A Proposal will be built after thorough study of current Business processes and IT Infrastructure
  • Significant input from data collected after interviewing users of existing processes
  • The client will get the benefit of services from other strategically aligned partners and associates
  • Final strategy proposed will be based on client-specific environment leveraging past experiences and successes of the Founder and his associates


Contact us - today, to learn how you can optimise your business in todays tough economic environment

PO BOX 437 West Ryde NSW 1685   
Ph: +61 2 9858 5051